How the Study Works

Everyday Objects is a Bible study that uses visual association with objects we see in our daily life to memorize God's word. Very simply:
1. You see an object
2. A word comes to mind (any word, not just 'Spiritual' words), 3. Using a Bible Concordance, you find & study a verse in the Bible that has that word understanding the context & application to your life.
4. Everytime you see that object, you try to recall the verse or the Biblical application to your life.

The study uses things we see everyday to guide us into and remind us of God's Word.
When you see a coffee pot, you may think of the word morning or cup. You use a condordance to look up verses with the word morning or cup & study the verse--trust me, both those words are in the Bible. You pick one verse & do a study on that verse. Then, through the week, every time you see a coffee pot you try to remember the verse and application. Before you know it, you'll have the verse memorized! The more objects you do, the more verses you'll remember and the more of God's Word you'll be hiding in your heart & mind! It's that easy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 1-Bills/Checkbook

My Word: Debt
Verse: Romans 13:8 "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law."
Study: The words "continuing debt (of love) hit me the most--continuing meaning goes on and on, like a bill on "auto pay" for the rest of our life. However, the word "love" used here is the agape type of love-deep, unselfish love. This meant to me that this is the type of debt that isn't necessarily easy to repay. After all, it's easy to continually love someone we feel brotherly love towards--but this kind will take some tapping into other resources.
Application: To choose to pay this continuing debt (of love), we must draw on our "saving" for this kind of love--saving by Christ & the resource of the Holy Spirit.