Word: sky
Scripture: Heb 11:12
“Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude – innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.”
Meaning: In context this is about Sarah having a baby in her late years and she and Abraham being the beginning of many multitudes of illustrious people. Sarah stumbled but in the end showed great faith and God kept his promise and she bore a son.
Spiritual meaning: Wait on the Lord and be faithful and He will deliver you when the time is perfect for His Glory. Trust in Him and He loves us all equally.
Personal application: I need to be faithful regardless of circumstances or doubts, and He will be faithful and will deliver me at His perfect time. He is growing me to be ready. Trust in Him and he will make me fruitful for His Glory. So as I work on studying the Bible to be fruitful, this will strengthen my faith at the same time through God.