How the Study Works

Everyday Objects is a Bible study that uses visual association with objects we see in our daily life to memorize God's word. Very simply:
1. You see an object
2. A word comes to mind (any word, not just 'Spiritual' words), 3. Using a Bible Concordance, you find & study a verse in the Bible that has that word understanding the context & application to your life.
4. Everytime you see that object, you try to recall the verse or the Biblical application to your life.

The study uses things we see everyday to guide us into and remind us of God's Word.
When you see a coffee pot, you may think of the word morning or cup. You use a condordance to look up verses with the word morning or cup & study the verse--trust me, both those words are in the Bible. You pick one verse & do a study on that verse. Then, through the week, every time you see a coffee pot you try to remember the verse and application. Before you know it, you'll have the verse memorized! The more objects you do, the more verses you'll remember and the more of God's Word you'll be hiding in your heart & mind! It's that easy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 4 - Sunglasses

Word: sky

Scripture: Heb 11:12

“Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude – innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.”

Meaning: In context this is about Sarah having a baby in her late years and she and Abraham being the beginning of many multitudes of illustrious people. Sarah stumbled but in the end showed great faith and God kept his promise and she bore a son.

Spiritual meaning: Wait on the Lord and be faithful and He will deliver you when the time is perfect for His Glory. Trust in Him and He loves us all equally.

Personal application: I need to be faithful regardless of circumstances or doubts, and He will be faithful and will deliver me at His perfect time. He is growing me to be ready. Trust in Him and he will make me fruitful for His Glory. So as I work on studying the Bible to be fruitful, this will strengthen my faith at the same time through God.


  1. Word: Glare, which was not in the Bible, but in the thesaurus I found Dazzling and that was in the Bible.
    Verse: "His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them." Mark 9:3
    Brief facts: This was during the transfiguration with Peter, James & John. Jesus had just been talking with his disciples about the manner in which he would die.
    Spiritual Lesson: 1.)Jesus first appearance on earth was "veiled--he came in complete humility and suffering; when He returns, He will come in glory. 2.)The preeminence of Christ (over other prophets, etc.) 3.) Only God could shine this way.
    Personal application: One commentary reminded that "Christ does not leave the soul when joys and comforts leave it." So, my questions to myself from the study were: Do I remember He is with me always? Does Christ have first and only place in my heart of hearts?

  2. ^Word: 'shade"
    ^Scrip. ref.:
    Psalm 121:5 "The LORD [is] thy keeper: the LORD [is] thy shade upon thy right hand."
    ^hebrew root: "tsel" means to hover over;
    ^or provide an opaque covering
    ^keeper: "shamar", is to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save
    ^Application: Putting on my "shades" can be a reminder and addition to the God armor ensemble.

  3. Wendy said:
    Here is my word for this week. "see" Isaaiah 29:18: On that day, the deaf will hear words of a book and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see.
    God has placed me in contact with a blind woman. I am excited for the day when she can see! My prayer for the week is for the Lord to help me to see and hear Him.
    Wendy Bailey

  4. My word: shades/shade
    Verse: Psalm 125:5 "The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand."
    My commentary said this verse is a among a collection of pilgrimmage psalms written post-exile. It is actually a psalm of ascent-ascending toward Jerusalem and up the steps of the temple! Having been to Israel and done just that, I was thrilled to recount those steps, and the prayers prayed on those temple steps some years back! I am reminded of the assurance I have of God's unfailing protection, that He will shade me from overwhelming circumstances, and that He will be a go-between when I can't handle what comes my way.
