How the Study Works

Everyday Objects is a Bible study that uses visual association with objects we see in our daily life to memorize God's word. Very simply:
1. You see an object
2. A word comes to mind (any word, not just 'Spiritual' words), 3. Using a Bible Concordance, you find & study a verse in the Bible that has that word understanding the context & application to your life.
4. Everytime you see that object, you try to recall the verse or the Biblical application to your life.

The study uses things we see everyday to guide us into and remind us of God's Word.
When you see a coffee pot, you may think of the word morning or cup. You use a condordance to look up verses with the word morning or cup & study the verse--trust me, both those words are in the Bible. You pick one verse & do a study on that verse. Then, through the week, every time you see a coffee pot you try to remember the verse and application. Before you know it, you'll have the verse memorized! The more objects you do, the more verses you'll remember and the more of God's Word you'll be hiding in your heart & mind! It's that easy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 7 - Thermometer/Temperature

Word: Hot
Scripture: 1 Samuel 11:9 "they told the messengers who had come, "Say to the men of Jabesh Gilead, 'by the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be delivered.'" When the messengers went and reported this to the men of Jabesh, they were elated."
Application: This passage is about Saul rescuing those in Jabesh Gilead from the Ammonites. I got some incredible learning from this somewhat foreign part of the Bible to me with the help of the Holy Spirit & some great commentaries:
1. One dimension of the Spirit's work in the beliver is genuine anger at sin & at the mistreatment of others.
2. Similar to men who would rather part with their liberty and have their eyes gouged out than lose their lives; likewise, we should feel the same about giving up the sin we hold as dear as our eyesight instead of losing our lives to hell.
3. Some unblievers won't believe in the power of God in our lives as Belivers--that's okay, they don't have to for God to work, we do.
4. When the Spirit comes upon us, it makes us good at things we might not normally be good at; it gives us wisdom in areas we may not have wisdom in.
5. Like the passage that says 'the Lord will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear' ...God will rescue us before it gets too hot!
Have a great week in the Word!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 6 - Suntan Lotion

Word = Heat

Scripture = Mt 20:12

“Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.”

Facts: This about Jesus speaking in a parable to disciples, about working in the Vineyard. Some worked for 8 hours and some worked only one hours, and all received $1.

Jesus states: The last shall be first and the first shall be last.

Matthew Henry lessons:

1) Jew, Gentile and Greek – all will be treated equally, including all races and genders. God is never unjust. Even though the Jews had been working at meeting the 'Law' for a long time, gentiles will also be offered grace and forgiveness.

2) Whether you’ve been a Christian for a long time or only a short while, you are saved and equal. You are valued and rewarded by the fullness of your heart (Fullness for Christ), not the years.

3) Whether saved as a child or as an old person, you can be used mightily by God, based on His plan.

Lesson for Me: As and older and newer Christian to have faith that God values me and can use me, and make me effective. It is about Him and not us, and His plan for us. We are vessels for His use.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 5 - Lemonade/Water with Lemons

Word: Refreshing
Verse: Isaiah 28:12 - "to whom he said, 'This is the resting place, let the weary rest'; and, 'this is the place of refreshing' but they would not listen."
This was one of those verses where you think it is going to be 'comforting,' however, upon closer look, in context, it was really an admonishment to Judah. God brought a simple, clear message, but to those who rejected it, it seemed foreign. Matthew Henry's commentary put it best: The service of God is only true rest for those weary from service to sin. There is no refreshment but under the easy yoke of the Lord Jesus."
Personal Application: Do I over-complicate God's message of grace? Do I daily find refreshment in salvation from my sin?
While on a run, I got the following from Him:
The sour taste of our sin can be washed away by the saving water of salvation in Jesus and the sweetness of His grace.
The sour tang of temptation can be overcome with the sweet taste of surrender and a fresh washing in the water of the Holy Spirit.
The sour sting from hurts can be refreshed with the living water of Jesus and the sweetness of His love.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 4 - Sunglasses

Word: sky

Scripture: Heb 11:12

“Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude – innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.”

Meaning: In context this is about Sarah having a baby in her late years and she and Abraham being the beginning of many multitudes of illustrious people. Sarah stumbled but in the end showed great faith and God kept his promise and she bore a son.

Spiritual meaning: Wait on the Lord and be faithful and He will deliver you when the time is perfect for His Glory. Trust in Him and He loves us all equally.

Personal application: I need to be faithful regardless of circumstances or doubts, and He will be faithful and will deliver me at His perfect time. He is growing me to be ready. Trust in Him and he will make me fruitful for His Glory. So as I work on studying the Bible to be fruitful, this will strengthen my faith at the same time through God.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 3 - Fan

Object: Fan
Word: Wind
Verse: Jeremiah 4:11 "The time is coming when the Lord will say to the people of Jerusalem, “My dear people, a burning wind is blowing in from the desert, and it’s not a gentle breeze useful for winnowing grain"

This verse speaks to God's coming wrath on the unrepentent and those following idols, however, it is surrounded by His plea for their repentence and His available mercy.

What I took away was 1.) an appreciation of the awesome mercy of God; 2.) no one is ever too far from God's grace; and finally, 3.) reflecting in my own life on any idols or unrepentent sin I have. Matthew Henry ponts out that true repentence comes from getting rid not only of the sin, but the love and pollution of sin. (ouch, how true).

A further interesting learning I got was from verse 10 Jeremiah utters a moment of doubt because of the troubled times. One commentary pointed out a really great saying: 'we should doubt our doubts and believe our beliefs; not believe our doubts and doubt our beliefs.' (I had to read it twice to get it fully ;-) )

Please share with us what you got...comment below or email me. :-)

In Christ, Eileen

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 2 - American Flag

Word: Safe
Scripture: Eze 34:27
'Then the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase. They shall be safe in their land; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them.'

To me this speaks to me to be grateful that in America we are safe from harm and have so many freedoms. We are safe from persecution and can worship freely.
Also this means to me personally that we are safe in Christ. Safe from the enemy and our soul is safe for eternity. In Him we are safe and free.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week 1 - Flip Flops

My Word: toes

My Scripture: Daniel 2:41,42

Personal application: I learned 1.) David responded with "wisdom & tact" to King Nebuchadnezzar when he was being completely unreasonable and rash (v14)--I could learn from that! ;-) 2.) There is a God in heaven (alone) who reveals mysteries; He alone has ultimate wisdom, 3.) A commentary pointed out that Daniel worked a "secular" job, but devloted much time to study & preaching, and 4.) God has ultimate reign over all nations (a good reminder these days!)

Now when I see flip flops, I'll think of toes, which will lead me to thinking of my verse in Daniel, which will remind me of God's ultimate reign over all nations! PTL!


We'd love to hear what you got from your comment below to let us know!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


In anticipation of our study, I did the first week's lesson so I could start off our sharing. Without revealing the object in advance, let me just say I am praising the Lord for His faithfulness in revealing His Word through the Holy Spirit! I share this only to encourage you in the Word: My study took me from a word, to a verse, to two chapters I have not studied in depth to this point in my walk. A few words and phrases that really jumped out at me in my Bible and I learned new things while reading my commentary.
So now when I see this object, I'll think of my word, which will lead me to think about all the new things I learned through it in HIS WORD. Be encouraged to dive into the Word too! Can't wait to hear what you learn. :-)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Series

The summer series will start on June 28th. Those participating will have the study emailed to them. If you've taken this study in the past on Thursday evenings with us, we'd love to hear from you and what you got from the study. Just click on "comments" below to post your comment. :-) Looking forward to studying God's Word with you!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hello & Welcome!

The purpose of this sight is to share insights from our "Think on These Things" Bible study. The study uses everyday objects to guide us in His Word in a personal and visual way. This spot is a forum to share what God is speaking and revealing to you individually through it. I hope you are encouraged by reading and sharing what God is doing in the lives of fellow believers. Go deeper with Him & His Word and may He move mightily!